Customer Success

Use Lantern’s Revenue Platform to retain and expand customers.

Customer Success Usecase Image


Get ahead of churn and expansion

Lantern helps success teams leverage data to drive engagement, retention, and expansion.

Be proactive image

Be proactive

Stay a step ahead of your customers and deliver legendary customer experiences.

Workspaces to collaborate

Automated workflows to quickly resolve issues

Monitor the customer lifecycle

AI powered health scores image

AI powered health scores

Leverage AI to predict which customers are likely to churn, retain, or expand

Confidently forecast each quarter

Scores based on data, not gut

Smart scores learn from previous accounts to make sure we don’t make the same mistake twice

Easy to use image

Easy to use

Lantern was built by former customer success managers with the founding principal that software should look beautiful and feel fast.

Instant interactions

Full record of the customer

Easy to customize

Unlock $500k of pipeline

Start a free trial to see how Lantern can unlock a new pipeline channel: your existing customers.

<1 hour deployment

50+ integrations

SOC II Secure